Friday, July 31, 2009

Jackson Update

Sorry, no pictures in this one. . .

Jackson is doing great, thanks to all who have so generously donated to his medical fund. He still has a long way to go before he is completely better, but he is starting to look (and act) more like a dog every day. His skin infection is finally starting to clear. He still has some areas that need daily treatment, and he still needs regular baths, but most of the yellow crustiness is gone. His treatment for the demodex (non-contagious skin mite) will be on-going for quite some time, but he takes his medication faithfully. It seems that his eye infection is cleared up, but he continues to need artificial tears as the skin around his eyes is still badly scarred.

Jackson's personality has really started to show in the past few days. It seems that he is not a "morning person" and would prefer to sleep past the alarm buzzing. Once he is awake, he has a voracious appetite! This little guy LOVES food. Its nice to see him putting some much needed weight onto his skinny little frame. Jackson has a tail that just won't quit wagging. Now that the hair is starting to sprout back on it he wags it proudly! He seems to like everyone he meets and doles out kisses to anyone who gets close enough. Jackson does well with the hustle and bustle of the office and doesn't seem to mind the frequent comings and goings of all the dogs. He also doesn't seem to mind the cats! (Actually, I think that he likes the cats because they always seem to be spilling bits of food for him to clean up!)

Just like the majority of the animals that come through our door, Jackson has brought more joy to us then we could ever give back to him. He is a constant source of amusement and fun. And his willingness to cuddle comes in handy when "rescue work" gets overwhelming. I know that Jackson will be with us for a while more, bit I am already a bit sad that he will eventually leave us. But Jackson deserves a great family - one that will take care of him and treat him like the little king that he is deep down inside. I just hope that his new family understands that we will *require* regular Jackson updates and frequent visits! We want Jackson kisses!!!!